
'Thank you, Stay Safe and Stop the Spread'


'Thank you, #StaySafe and keep up the efforts to #StopTheSpread' is the joint message delivered by the HSE, An Garda Síochána, and Cavan County Council. 

As Ireland enters a crucial phase in the fight against the virus, the three principal response agencies that make up the North East Regional Steering Group, An Garda Síochána, the HSE and the Local Authorities, have thanked people for their work on stopping the spread of Covid-19.

This weekend, representatives of An Garda Síochána, the HSE and Cavan County Council are appealing to everyone in County Cavan to continue their impressive efforts.

In an effort to deter people from travelling more than two kilometres, local authorities have closed car parks at many amenities and attractions. Tommy Ryan, Chief Executive of Cavan County Council has urged the public not to allow everyone’s hard work to be undermined and to stay safe and, where possible, stay at home.

The HSE’s Dermot Monaghan has acknowledged that the collective actions of communities in the region is clearly making a difference but it is crucial that everyone keeps up those efforts: “We know it’s hard, especially in terms of being apart from families and friends but it is helping to protect and keep our communities - especially vulnerable people and healthcare workers - safe. I want to particularly appeal to young people - we in the healthcare community need you to keep that effort going for another while.”

John O’Reilly, Garda Chief Superintendent for the Cavan-Monaghan area, highlights that there will be a very visible Garda presence across both counties this weekend: “Our members will operate an extensive network of checkpoints across both counties this weekend, checking public compliance with the travel restrictions in place as part of Covid-19 public health guidelines. There has been very good compliance with the travel restrictions, and we want to thank the public for this. However, it is vital that this continues over the coming days and weeks. It will save lives. In particular, we would ask people who are thinking of travelling to parks, tourist locations or holiday homes outside of the two kilometre limit this weekend not to do so. If you are stopped at a checkpoint, you will be turned back.”

The North East / Midlands Regional Steering Group urges everyone to please play their part and #Stay Safe, # Stop the Spread this May Bank Holiday weekend.

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen very positive examples of joined-up working across the HSE, local government, An Garda Síochána, Education sector and the Defence Forces. A dedicated community support call centre has been established in each local authority. This initiative forms part of a broader community response from statutory and voluntary agencies across the South East to support vulnerable groups of people most likely to be severely affected by Covid-19.  Across the North East the HSE are linking with local authorities who are acting as a central resource to link all vulnerable people into the volunteer structure for key service supports.

The Community Response Helplines continue to be available to people over the weekend. These helplines involve many community organisations and volunteers and can assist people who need additional support to adhere to the cocooning guidelines. The help lines in Cavan and Monaghan are:


County Cavan: 1800 300 404

County Monaghan: 1800 804 158


The HSE’s Crisis Management Team (CMT) includes participation from National Ambulance Services and Emergency Management, Environmental Health officers and the HSE’s estates (technical services, property and maintenance) and procurement (equipment and supplies) services are also involved – in addition to Community Healthcare (which delivers community/primary care, health and wellbeing, elderly and disability care and mental health services.


#Stay Safe, # Stop the Spread

As outlined at, there are simple but very effective steps we all must take each and every day. They include:

·               Staying at home as much as possible.

·               Washing your hands properly and often.

·               Reducing the number of people you met and interact with each day.

·               Avoiding large groups or crowded areas and do not travel more than two kilometres from home.

·               Maintaining a distance of two metres with other people.

·               Working at home.


The symptoms of this virus are a cough (this can be any kind of cough), shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, fever, high temperature or chills. If you develop symptoms you will need to self-isolate and contact your GP. The people in your household will need to restrict their movements. Go to for information about self-isolation and restricting movement. If you develop symptoms of coronavirus phone your GP. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. The GP will assess you over the phone and give you the right advice.