Bishop's Conference issues advice on COVID-19
The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference have issued a series of recommendations in the context of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
The following issues were discussed during the Spring General Meeting of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, which concluded yesterday evening at Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
They include the church's response to COVID-19 (the Coronavirus); Saint Patrick’s Day, Tuesday, March 17; Lent and preparation for Holy Week and Easter: the National Eucharistic Congress/Adoremus 2020 at the Marian Shrine, Knock, and the International Eucharistic Congress in Hungry; as well as other matters.
With regard to COVID-19, the Bishops joined in prayerful solidarity with the Holy Father Pope Francis who, on Sunday last, assured “those suffering from the current coronavirus epidemic and to all those who are caring for them” of his prayers.
Whilst the threat to public health continues to evolve, Irish bishops have provided the following guidance to help the faithful sustain Church life during this trying time
“As people of faith we are called to face the fears of this moment with a courage not our own and with a generous heart. God is with his people in good times and bad. Like believers in every age we say: ‘If I should walk in The Valley of Darkness no evil would I fear for You are there’. In our hour of trial Jesus calls on us, his followers, to serve the common good by taking responsibility for each other and to prioritise the most vulnerable in our community ahead of our own individual wants and aspirations. At this time our first concern has to be for the elderly, the ill and those with underlying medical conditions.”
Hand Hygiene
- Hand sanitiser is to be provided at each entrance of the church.
- Holy water fonts should remain empty at this time.
- The Sign of Peace is not to be expressed by hand shaking.
- Having received Holy Communion, and before and after distributing, the priest and ministers should sanitise their hands.
- Collection baskets: priests are asked to provide an alternative to the practice of passing collection baskets through the congregation. The faithful are asked to continue their generous contributions to the upkeep of their parish.
Holy Communion
Received in the hand until the current crisis has passed.
At this time the celebration of Mass on Sundays and on weekdays - including Saint Patrick’s Day – will continue as normal.
However, those with underlying conditions and those who are considered vulnerable are dispensed from their Sunday obligation to attend.
“We strongly encourage people with such conditions to be spiritually united with their local community. Where possible they should avail of parish radio broadcasts and webcam. While in church and as far as possible people are asked to keep a safe distance from one another, in keeping with current advice.”
Sacrament of Confirmation
“The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a happy and joyous occasion which brings people together from far and wide. We ask that people with underlying health conditions and who are considered vulnerable from a health perspective, should not attend the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.”
The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will continue for now but may have to be postponed at very short notice in the light of future advice from the public health authorities. The anointing with the Oil of Chrism will be administered without direct touch, in a safe and appropriate manner, such as with the use of a cotton bud.
Sacrament of the Sick
Concerning the pastoral care of the sick and the administration of the sacrament, the priest will use a cotton bud or surgical glove for the anointing with Holy Oil and dispose of them appropriately.
During this time the celebrant will sign the child with the Cross without touching. Where there is more than one child being baptised, a single jug of fresh water will be blessed and used. The anointing with the Holy Oils will be administered by the use of cotton buds.
“The community of faith will always seek to surround the funerals and burials of its deceased members with love and respect. However, even now it is clear that people with underlying conditions, and who are vulnerable, should not attend funerals. For the same reason, when sympathising, people should not shake hands.”
The Church awaits official guidance from the public health authorities in the event of a deterioration in the situation. While abiding by all such advice, the Church will always stand with the bereaved and do its best to ensure a Christian burial for those who request it.
Concelebration of Mass
In light of our particular circumstances at this time, and health authority guidance, the bishops have given permission for only the main celebrant to receive from the chalice, when concelebration is deemed necessary.