Work on new roof to be finished before Christmas.

New roof for centre

Ballyconnell Community Centre to reopen mid 2024.

Closed for much of the past decade, there was great excitement earlier this year when a large crane first appeared outside the Ballyconnell Community Centre to help replace the building’s roof.

A grant of €300,000 was awarded by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys and it’s already clear that the money has been put to good use.

Gayle McCoy is secretary of the Ballyconnell Town Development Team, and holds the same role with the hall development committee also.

She says the centre, once opened, will provide a space for members of the community to come together and will also have facilities such as sports courts and meeting rooms which can be used.

The “top down” approach was seen as the most sensible route in the long run for the community building.

“It’s not often you get a grant of €300,000, so when it happens you want to put it to good use,” explains Gail.

Works on the roof is expected to be done before Christmas, and after that the committee will set about bringing other elements up to standard before a full reopening of the community facility.

“We’re hoping to be open April or May next year. If we have the roof on it, fire doors, and all insured, that’s a major step forward and we’re working towards that.”

The centre’s development committee is considering a number of fundraisers in the New Year to help complete the project. “It is such an incredible asset to have, a building of that size in our community, and it will be great to welcome people back in side. We have a lot planned that we’re still working on. We’re open to ideas, but it will be a great 2024 certainly once the centre reopens. It’s all positive.”