'Heads up': Galligan lays out his philosophy in first interview


In his first interview as Cavan senior manager in tomorrow's Anglo-Celt, Raymond Galligan lays out his philosophy for how he hopes the team will play.

Having played much of his career as forward at club level and latterly with the county, Galligan hopes to instil an attacking ethos in the side.

“Our main template will be attacking football,” he says.

“Getting that ball from defence to attack as quick as possible. The style of play I liked when I was playing out the field was ‘get it in early’ and that will be the plan. We have to feed these forwards that ball so it’s heads up, get that ball in as early as possible."

In an extensive interview, Galligan expands on what prompted him to put his name forward for the job, why he chose his backroom team including All-Ireland winner Stephen O'Neill, why he doesn't believe Cavan are 'rebuilding' and what he feels went wrong in the season gone by.

Pick up your copy in shops tomorrow morning.