'Overreaching approach' needed to solve Dublin Airport night flights issue
Vivienne Clarke
Sinn Féin’s Transport spokesperson, Martin Kenny, has called for “an overarching approach” by the Department of Transport to the issue of night time flights at Dublin airport.
Mr Kenny told RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland that while there were private companies involved, there was “a much bigger picture” and that the Minister for Transport himself had a role to play.
“We've got the airlines, the Dublin Airport Authority, the local authorities. We have the Airport Noise Competent Authority. We have an awful lot of agencies here. All we need is an overarching approach to call everyone together and resolve the situation and sort it out to the benefit of everybody involved.”
The situation was very difficult, and it was unfortunate that it had come to this stage, he said. The only way to resolve the issue was through dialogue rather than going to court, he said.
“We don’t know where it’s going to end.”
Mr Kenny acknowledged Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary’s point that the airport was built first and the housing developments came after. Planning permission was something that everyone had to get before they build and had to be abided by,
“If the Dublin Airport Authority or the people involved in aviation had an issue with the restrictions put in place because of those planning conditions, I think they should be appealing to them and trying to find a way around them rather than just criticising Fingal County Council or anyone else.
“In fairness, Dublin Airport Authority have actually taken steps to ensure that there can be a reduction in the very restricted measures that were put in place and that have been approved by Fingal County Council. And it's with An Bord Pleanala at the moment. As we know, there's huge delays there.
That's a part of the problem as well, the delays we have in the system of getting these issues resolved and sorted out.”
Mr Kenny said that if there was “a little bit of compromise” the situation could be resolved through negotiation and dialogue.
“It's really up to everyone to get their heads around the table here and ensure that they can resolve this issue because the court is a bad place to be involved with because it only heightens tensions and puts it in a place where it's more difficult to resolve.”