The Bailieborough Celtic U14 team.

If you can see it, you can be it...

Coach of the Bailieborough Celtic AFC girls Gráinne Gibson is calling for more women to get involved in soccer in the area.

After her daughter took an interest in the sport, “born and bred” Bailieborough woman Gráinne decided to get involved and take over the girls' team in the club.

With five girls selected to play on the Cavan Monaghan interleague team, Gráinne said “the girls have to be able to see it to be it".

“It great for girls to see women coaching them and women being involved in soccer,” she said.

Having enough players to field their first team in 2021, the club put forward an Under 13 team, which was very successful.

“We went from half a dozen players up to probably 15 to 16 girls over the first season,” explained Gráinne.

The past season, the club had enough players for U12 and U14 teams.

“You can clearly see progression and development with them over the past two years,” said the coach, adding that this is the most rewarding element for her personally.

“They’re nearly running away from the ball in the beginning of it,” laughed Gráinne, detailing how she has observed their confidence grow.

“Then you see them jumping into tackles in a match.

“It’s fantastic to see that.”

Last Thursday evening, the club brought the girls to watch the Women’s World Cup Ireland vs France game in Tallaght Stadium.

“There’s just such a camaraderie between them all,” said Gráinne of the team, explaining that “the older girls look after the younger girls".

Her overall plan is to get more girls involved in the sport, with the club catering for all abilities.

“There's girls there that are in it from a social point of view, they just want to come out and kick the ball around with their friends.

“The spectrum goes right up to girls who aspire to play for Ireland one day.

“The sooner you get them kicking the ball, the better it’s going to be,” she said.

The new league season will start in September and Gráinne encourages as many people as possible to take part.

The club will hold a family fun day on Sunday, August 6, for children to come down and try out the sport. Gráinne also encouraged people to attend training sessions when they resume and asked anyone interested in helping out to contact the club.

“They are so welcome to just come out, join in a training session and take it from there,” Gráinne encouraged.

Those interested can contact Bailieborough Celtic AFC through their Facebook page.