Public consultation on Belturbet Masterplan to open next week
A public consultation will take place next week, Wednesday, April 19, in relation to the proposed Masterplan project for Belturbet town.
Cavan County Council is commencing the preparation of a feasibility study for the provision of a community, enterprise and tourism hub in Belturbet, and to prepare a masterplan for the future development of the Belturbet Heritage Railway Complex.
The Masterplan is at an “early stage” according to the council, and “an important part of the plan preparation is engagement with the local community and property owners/tenants”.
Last year the council received more than €263,000 from the Department of Rural and Community Development to support the proposed two-part landmark project.
Considerable work has already been undertaken to transform the Belturbet Railway Station complex since it was purchased in 1994, with the latest to include a Velorial Rail as well as running a narrow gauge railway engine.
The funding will also help address the issue of vacant buildings.
The delivery of a detailed plan for Belturbet required matched funding of over €50,000 from the local authority. The public consultation on the masterplan will take place from 6-8pm at Belturbet Town Hall Civic Centre on April 19.
A questionnaire will be made available at the public consultation.