ETB exceeding targets on FET delivery

Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board exceeded targets set for delivery of Further Education and Training (FET) last year.

Across a wide range of others the ETB is showing “strong attainment”, with hope to build on this progress in 2023 “and beyond”.

The update was provided at a meeting of ETB board members in Ballybay, and comes off the back of the organisation entering a Strategic Performance Agreement (SPA) with Solas covering 2022–2024.

Last month the ETB successfully hosted an Adult Learners Festival/Adult Learners Week (March 6-10).

This took place across Cavan and Monaghan and online, with more than 150 learners participating in a range of programmes from flower arranging to paediatric first aid to hot stone massage.

The ETB is meanwhile set to start a wide range of other programmes.

Through the Supply Chain, Logistics & Procurement (SCLP) centre of excellence, the ETB is now providing part time Rigid Driving courses in both Cavan and Monaghan, as well as a purchasing programme, and a SCLP Workshop in schools.

There has been an extension to the Ukrainian ESOL programme, now being delivered at a range of locations; and PLC courses in full operation with increased numbers in both Institutes.

Evening programmes commenced throughout Monaghan and Cavan in a range of disciplines with increased demand, and the FET Into Schools programme is continuing to operate “very successfully” at both Institutes with more than 300 students engaging.

For 2023 the OEM Apprenticeship underwent revalidation in February. Members were told that this was a “sizeable piece of work”, and the outcome was “very successful” with a recommended revalidation for five years.

The Audio Music Production (AMP) programme was also approved by QQI for validation; and new modules are currently being developed in Sustainable Home, ESOL L1 (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and ESOL Pre-Level 1(listening, speaking, reading, writing).

Finally, the ETB is working with the HSE regarding the roll-out of Healthcare Support programmes in both counties Cavan and Monaghan, to include work experience and employment. This is due to commence in May 2023.