Participants with their certificates at the end of the local Safetalk workshop in Crosserlough clubrooms recently. From left: Colin Lynch, Andy Galligan, Karl Lynch, Nathan Galligan, Ellie Briody, Lorna O’Reilly, Orlaith Cusack, Erica Joyce, Amy Clarke, Caoimhe McInerney (partially hidden), Terry Brady and Mark Stuart.

Safetalk workshop in Kilnaleck

Volunteers with Crosserlough GFC took part in a safeTALK workshop recently. It was facilitated by HSE Connecting for Life Cavan Monaghan in the clubrooms in Kilnaleck.

Edel Reilly, health & wellbeing officer with Crosserlough GAA, organised the training in the local community and explained why she wanted to run this workshop for the Senior members of their club. “There is a lot of peer pressure on young people of this generation and we want to be able to help look out for them and to let them know that support is available.”

Feedback from participants was positive with attendees saying the training will give them more confidence to reach out to someone they may be concerned about. They also found it would help them identify signs that someone may at risk and need additional help or support. One participant said that they “took a lot from the training because it was interactive and practical”.

Emer Mulligan, resource officer for suicide prevention with HSE Cavan Monaghan Mental Health Service, explained more about the Safetalk programme.

“It helps participants to identify people who have thoughts of suicide and apply the TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep safe) steps to connect a person with suicidal thoughts to people and agencies that can help.”

This training is suitable for anyone over the age of 18 years who wants to help prevent suicide and is prepared to become a ‘suicide alert’ helper, for example frontline workers, clergy, volunteers, teachers and people responding to family and friends.

Hazel Leahy, Safetalk trainer in Cavan, highlighted the value of the training in communities.

“Suicide is a significant public health concern in Ireland. In response to this, the HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention has been a forerunner in the development of standards for training in suicide prevention. The aim of the programme is to improve and enhance the skill levels and confidence of people within the community in responding to people in suicidal crisis.”


For more information on safeTALK or to book a place on a local training programme, go to or contact

If you, or someone you know needs support, you can find information on or Freecall Samaritans on 116 123 for a listening ear.