Crossword 9217 by Arahoden

Check out our latest crossword by our mystery compiler Arahoden. As usual, you can expect some Cavan twists. Print it out, complete it and enter our competition to win a coveted Anglo-Celt pen (details below).


1. Coill an Chollaigh as Béarla (13)

10. Tattered cloth for seven days of fun at third level (3,4)

11. Fury Don unleashed at Bailieboro metalworks (7)

12. Askew in Carratraw ryegrass (4)

13. A dorm converted Kilnaleck Lough (5)

15. Eye problem sounds like accommodation for swine (4)

17. Be in the red (3)

19. Shakespearean play found behind tower in Cavan Town (6)

21. Afghani language destroyed pathos (6)

22/29. Surrey town provides weapons for travellers building in Cavan Town (7,4)

23. Respond to solution (6)

25. Frame of rods found before bridge on the border (6)

27. Took a bite for a small piece (3)

29. See 22 across

30. Ceol in English (5)

31. Location for Cavan Equestrian Centre (4)

34. Nun tore asunder elementary particle (7)

35. Irish instruction translated college in Ballyhaise (7)

36. Demolished regal residence between Cootehill and Rockcorry (7,6)


2. Ballyconnell townland could be a battle site in County Galway (7)

3. Keel turned back Welsh symbol (4)

4. Language of the Inuit (6)

5. In a state of ignition (2,4)

6. Responsibility hidden by Killydoon Ushers (4)

7. Share date expenses (2,5)

8. Primary education facility in Drumlane (11,2)

9. Division 3 League Sponsor (4,9)

14. Ballyconnell miller nine saw differently (1,1,5)

16. Allude looks the same either way (5)

18. Informal mothers sang with the Papas (5)

20. Pitch for the old sailor (3)

21. Wap returns animal foot (3)

24. Cuba Sam distils Italian liqueur (7)

26. Literary distress at rival to change (7)

27. One bun crumbled near Cootehill (6)

28. Short hand signals for racecourse bookmakers (3-3)

32. Moderate equine pace (4)

33. Money Advice and Budgeting Service curtailed (4)

To enter: Print out the crossword, complete it and post your entry to The Anglo-Celt, Crossword Competition, Kilmore Business Park, Dublin Road, Cavan, to be in with a chance of winning one of our coveted Anglo-Celt pens and for the glory, of course.

Please remember to put the volume number of your entry on the outside of your submission.