Faux pas on French spuds

Concern was raised following the discovery of French potatoes carrying the Bord Bia quality mark.

The motion was raised by Aontú Councillor Sarah O’Reilly, who stated that “the issue has been taken very seriously”, as the product was recalled the same day the matter was raised. It is understood that Bord Bia are now investigating the issue through a confidential audit. However, Cllr O’Reilly deems this insufficient.

“Findings of the audit will not be made public,” she said, frustrated. She believes the audit is only taking place to “satisfy themselves”.

The Bailieborough woman was vexed by the presence of the Irish flag on the packaging of the product. Cllr O’Reilly concluded by requesting Bord Bia outline “what measures are being put in place to ensure this does not happen again”.