Gig for Allen in New York
Communities in Kingscourt and New York are rallying together to raise funds for a Kilmainhamwood man who suffered a severe heart attack in December. Allen Gogerty had been living in New York for 25 years when he fell ill at his home on December 2 last.
During a gig the night before, the father of two began feeling a “strong pain in his back”, explains his mother, Rena.
“He went to lie down on the wooden floor and he started sweating profusely. His wife, Amparo, saw him and said 'I’m calling the ambulance'.”
The ambulance brought him to the hospital where Allen told the nurses he thought he was “overreacting”, as the pain was gone.
Upon testing his blood in the hospital, doctors found some irregularities, which indicated some heart issues.
“They kept monitoring him and in the early hours of the next morning, he had a massive heart attack.”
Medics who attended to him following the attack explained how Allen was unresponsive for 27 minutes.
“They had to move him to what they’re telling me is the best cardiology hospital in New York,” says Rena, who was at home in Ireland with her husband Bob during the crisis.
The parents have been receiving updates from fellow Kingscourt man Dereck Power who they described as being an “absolute tower of strength” to Allen’s wife and kids. “They sent two ambulances, the one he was in and the one following it in case he needed further treatment on the way. This was very surprising in New York.”
He had one completely blocked artery and a 90 percent blockage in the second. A stent was inserted and he has been in recovery ever since.
Alan is widely known throughout both New York and Kingscourt as being a talented musician. His sole income is made through performing. He also regularly runs fundraisers to raise money for various charities.
His friends believed it was about time the favour was returned to him, especially as he will be unable to perform for the foreseeable future.
The New York based event, which will take place in The Joyce Bar, New York, tomorrow night (Saturday) February 11, has attracted friends and family of Allen’s from far and wide, as many of his Irish pals have booked their flight from Ireland to the Big Apple.
The fundraiser is sure to be a big hit with music, dancing, raffles and much more. A $20 suggested donation at the door.
Anyone who would like to donate, but can’t make the trip to Manhattan, can do so through their GoFundMe page on
The GoFundMe page has already raised around $20,000 of a $50,000 target.