Elliott Group gets hospital enabling works tender

Cavan’s Elliott Group “have commenced” on site after the local company has awarded the contract to complete enabling works to facilitate the development of the proposed new three-storey extension block at Cavan General Hospital.

The proposed development includes provision for a new endoscopy suite, ward accommodation of 18 single rooms with ensuite and two more isolation rooms, as well as the relocation of the existing emergency department (ED). The relocated and enhanced ED will contain two resuscitation bays, 10 major injury treatment bays, six minor injury treatment bays, as well as three paediatric and three isolation rooms.

A spokesperson for the HSE confirmed that as part of this project an electrical and communications upgrade will “also be completed”.

The spokesperson explained that the “final approval to proceed” with the main construction contract cannot be granted until each stage of the Public Spending Code (PSC) is approved.

This must also comply with the HSE Capital Projects Manual & Approvals Protocol.

The public procurement process to select a contractor for the main build has yet to take place.

The design team are currently working on detailed designs for the extension and “subject to all necessary approvals” will then proceed to tender.

Once an appointment is made the costings will again “be reviewed to ensure that the proposal remains affordable and delivers value for money”.

“A project of this nature would take in the region of 24 months to deliver,” said a spokesperson for the HSE, who confirmed that the contract for the initial enabling works was awarded to Elliott Group.

“The enabling works contract consists of clearance of the proposed site, creation of a new carpark and diversion of a number of underground mechanical and electrical services.”

It's anticipated the enabling works will be completed within six months.