WINNER: Who won Sons of Southern Ulster's new album!
Sinners and Lost Souls comes five years after the release of the band's celebrated debut album 'Foundary Folk Songs'.
See who has won a copy of Bailieborough's best Sons of Southern Ulster's new album, 'Sinners and Lost Souls' on vinyl.
The album was released June 15 last year, and earned rave reviews across the Irish and international music press.
Last month saw the album released on 12' vinyl complete with inner-sleeve artwork.
Sinners and Lost Souls comes five years after the release of the band's celebrated debut album 'Foundary Folk Songs'.
Complete and mastered earlier this year, SLS for short is bedecked with the artwork of Danish-born Los Angeles-located Claus Castenskiold, otherwise best known Claus for his prior art work for bands like The Fall, and The Gun Club.
Formerly half of The Panic Merchants, who in the 80's regularly featured on Dave Fanning's Rock Show, Sons of Southern Ulster features David Meagher (Guitar), Justin Kelly (Vocals), Noel 'Skinhammer' Larkin (Drums), and Paddy Glackin (Bass).
The winner of a copy of 'Sinners and Lost Souls' is Bernie Donohoe from Kingscourt. Congratulations.