Heroin and cannabis seized on garda raid
It follows raids last month where gardaí recovered a quantity of a large cannabis when they searched a house in Cavan Town.
Two men have been charged in connection with the seizure of a quantity of heroin and cannabis last week.
Two men, one in his 40's the other in his early 20's, have appeared before the courts charged with offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act following the discovery at two premises following searches carried out by local uniform officers assisted by the Divisional Drugs Unit, Armed Support Unit and the Dog Unit.
It follows raids last month where gardaí recovered a quantity of a large cannabis when they searched a house in Cavan Town.
One male was arrested at the scene, charged and subsequently appeared before the courts.
A vehicle was also searched in Cavan Town and approximately €7500 worth of cannabis (pending analysis) was seized.
Another house was searched under warrant in Cootehill and a quantity of cannabis plants to the value of €7200 were recovered.
A male was arrested and charged and he too appeared before the Courts.