Residents' group relieved permission declined for Granard wind turbine
The decision by Longford County Council to refuse planning permission to the proposed Kiernan Milling Industrial Wind Turbine in the Granard area has been welcomed by a local residents' group.
The local authority planning department received over 30 submissions on the application during the planning process. The proposed site of the 169m industrial wind turbine was in close proximity to a flagship tourism development for the town.
A spokesperson for Granardkille Local Residents Group welcomed the decision: “We would like to congratulate Longford County Council on their decision to refuse planning permission for the 169m industrial wind turbine.”
The group organised a campaign to highlight what they regard as negative aspects of the development. In a statement issued they said: “We are extremely relieved that the threat of this looming turbine seems to have passed for now."
Granard and its surrounds form part of Ireland's Hidden Heartlands. Work on developing the tourism potential of the historic motte as a 15 acre Norman Living History Village is well advanced.
The Norman Living History Village recently received substantial investment by Failte Ireland and Longford County Council. Failte Ireland as part of their statutory role in the planning process in Ireland submitted a very detailed objection to Longford County Council.