Minister Quinn seeks patronage for new Kingscourt Secondary School
The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., has announced he is inviting patron bodies to apply for the patronage of eight new post-primary schools nationwide, due to be established from 2015 and 2016, one of which is to be placed in the town of Kingscourt.
It comes almost two-years after Minister Quinn announced back in 2011 that a new second-level school in Kingscourt was part of the new School Building Programme.
A new €7m school for Kingscourt was first confirmed for the east Cavan Town by Cavan VEC in April 2009 who said once built it could accommodate some 500 pupils.
Inviting the applications from interested patron bodies he said, 'Parental preference is the key issue in deciding who should be awarded patronage of these new post-primary schools. I believe strongly that parents should have choices in the education of their children and the process of awarding patronage for new schools is centred on this.
“I am confident that these new schools, alongside the existing schools in each area, will mean that parents and students have real choice when it comes to deciding which school most reflects their own ethos.”
Patrons are asked to provide evidence of parental demand when making an application for a new school. In addition, the criteria used in deciding on patronage include how the proposed schools under the respective patrons should provide for extending or strengthening diversity of provision in each area, having regard to the views of parents.