"No jersey clash" for Sunday's final
Paul Fitzpatrick There will be no change of jerseys in Sunday's county senior final, The Anglo-Celt can reveal. It is understood that Kingscourt raised the issue with the county board but all involved are satisfied that there will be no clash between the blue and white of the Stars and the blue and yellow of the Dreadnoughts. Kingscourt, incidentally, won the championship final in the away jerseys (white and blue) against Cavan Gaels in 2010. Mullahoran don't have an away kit. In the minor final, North Eastern Gaels (Laragh, Drung, Kill) will be wearing the Drung jerseys while Lavery-Castlerahan will be sporting the green Castlerahan away shirts. A large crowd is anticipated for the early throw-in (minor 12 noon, senior 1.45pm).