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Returned emigrants encouraged to join entrepreneurial programme

Returned emigrants to Cavan who are starting and developing businesses in Ireland are being urged to avail of the latest cycle of the Back for Business developmental programme.  
This is the third year of the programme, which aims to support entrepreneurial activity among returned emigrants who have lived abroad for at least a year and have returned in the last three years. Those planning to return in the near future will also be considered.
Next year's programme will run from January to July 2020. There is no charge for those selected to participate and the closing date for applications is January 7, 2020. 

Last year, the 38 participants on the second year of the programme reported positive results, including:

Turnover for all participants combined increased by over 70% during the six months of the programme to a total of €1.3m;
A total of 48 new jobs were created by the participants who now employ 89 people between them;
92% said they felt nearer to achieving their ambitions having participated.
Back for Business has been designed and is being implemented by Fitzsimons Consulting, specialists in areas related to entrepreneurship and growth.
Paula Fitzsimons of Fitzsimons Consulting, said: “Potential entrepreneurs returning home can often bring significant advantages such as a strong network of international contacts, proficiency in foreign languages and a greater understanding of export markets.
“However, they can also have gaps in their knowledge of the supports and the well-developed entrepreneurial ecosystem available to early stage entrepreneurs. Their professional and personal networks in Ireland have been adversely affected given the years that they have spent out of the country. Back for Business is designed to bridge these gaps, while also addressing the general challenges that all entrepreneurs face when establishing a business.”
Those selected to join Back for Business this year will take part in round table sessions, focused on goals and milestones and facilitated by voluntary lead entrepreneurs, who have experience of successfully starting and growing a business.