Council seeking properties for social housing purposes
Funding for second hand house acquisitions on the way
Cavan County Council is seeking land and vacant buildings to develop for social housing. The local authority is also looking for turnkey housing.
Advertisements were published in last week’s Celt seeking expressions of interest from property owners interested in selling suitable properties. The closing date is March 31 at 3pm.
It comes as the government has announced €325m for the 2025 Second Hand Acquisitions Programme, some of which will be distributed in Counties Cavan and Monaghan.
According to Deputy David Maxwell (FG), the move will enable Cavan County Council to purchase more homes lived in by tenants that are owned by a landlord who wants to sell the property.
An additional €265m capital funding was allocated last week; while €60M is being provided for under Housing for All. The scheme is designed to buy homes from landlords looking to sell, where the tenant is at risk of entering emergency accommodation.
Priority categories include: tenant in situ acquisitions; older persons and persons with a disability; exits from emergency accommodation; and buy and renew acquisitions that tackle vacancy.
The introduction of mandatory eligibility criteria for tenant in situ acquisitions for 2025 is intended to ensure that the funding available will be targeted at those most in need.
“This important scheme allows local authorities to purchase homes lived in by tenants owned by a landlord who wants to sell the property,” explained Deputy Maxwell.
“Tenant in situ acquisitions have helped prevent vulnerable households becoming homeless.
“There is a clear need to continue with such acquisitions into 2025 where it is the only option available to prevent exits from HAP and RAS supported tenancies in the private rental market into emergency accommodation.
“The introduction of mandatory eligibility criteria for the scheme will also prioritise families in need, persons with a disability and older people,” he said.