Extra funds needed for storm damage - councillors
Cavan County Council is to endeavour to get additional funding for “necessary repairs” in the aftermath of Storm Eowyn, following a request by local authority members on Monday.
The move followed a notice of motion by Cathaoirleach, Cllr TP O’Reilly (FG) who referred to the “serious” damage caused by the storm across the county.
“The local authority fixed the roads and did a wonderful job but the money for that came out of the local authority budget. Something definitely needs to be done about that.”
Cllr Winston Bennett (FG) opined that “it isn’t fair” that council resources were used to deal with storm damage.
“It was an exceptional event and I think there should be government support at the very least.”
The motion received unanimous support and Cavan Council’s executive committed to providing an update at next month’s meeting.