Disruption possible as Dublin Bus maintenance workers start work to rule on Sunday

A dispute at Dublin bus will see a work-to-rule take effect on Sunday evening.

Up to 190 bus maintenance workers involved in the stoppage will also invoke an overtime ban.

The dispute involves staff who are not craft workers but are employed in a range of roles connected with overnight cleaning and maintenance

The workers who are members of SIPTU are looking for equal pay with another group on a higher grade.

The union says an independent assessment of the claim was positive but the company has contested it and in November the Labour Court said it could see no way to justify what would amount to a 14.5 per cent pay increase.

It said both sides should resume talks on a 4.5 per cent increase that would be linked to productivity increases.

Some additional cancellations may occur from Tuesday morning as buses are not ready to go back into service or replacements are delayed.

Further talks on the dispute are expected to take place early next week.