Effect of storm on national telecoms largest in history

The most impacted areas continue to be the north and west of the country.

The estimated effect of Storm Éowyn on the national telecoms userbase was the largest in Comreg’s recording history. Repair and restoration work is now showing significant progress in restoring connectivity and several fixed service operator networks have been returned to normal service levels.

As of 10:00am (Thursday, 30 January):

• 1.5% of fixed service users are without services;

• 7.5% of mobile service users are experiencing some level of degradation of service.

The most impacted areas continue to be the north and west of the country.

Those affected by mobile service failures are unlikely to experience complete disconnection. They may experience degradation on data and voice; text messaging is much less likely to be affected.

Calls to emergency services utilise any available network, regardless of operator subscription. These are expected to continue to function as normal nationwide.

Restoration of Mobile Service will focus on voice and SMS initially; data services may be slower to return. ComReg (Commission for Communications Regulation) is monitoring the situation and liaising with operators; further updates will be provided over the coming days.

Generators provided via the Civil Protection Mechanism

Ireland has been actively working with colleagues in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism since 22 January requesting an initial damage assessment through Copernicus (satellite mapping).

When severe emergencies occur, national authorities first develop an overview of the situation, making requests based on the needs identified. It is essential that a needs assessment be carried out to ensure appropriate and detailed requests can be made for limited shared resources.

The NECG Infrastructure sub-group identified the need for large capacity generator support which was relayed through the Common Emergency Communications & Information System (CECIS) on Saturday afternoon.

Ireland has been offered:

• 10 x 27.5 KvA generators (RescEU stockpile, Poland)

• 3 x 512 KvA generators (RescEU stockpile, Poland)

• 1 x 100 KvA generators (Denmark)

• 3 x 150 KvA, generators (Denmark)

The generators are being deployed to support Uisce Éireann and telecommunications infrastructure.