Over €11M allocated to Cavan water services

5.3% increase on last year's buedget.

€11.8M has been allocated to Cavan County Council’s Water Services division following the adoption by members of Budget 2025 earlier this month. This compares to €11.2M allocated for 2024 and represents a 5.3% increase on the previous year’s figure.

Currently, there are 16 public water schemes in the county, seven of which are supplied by private Group Water Schemes. There are 26 public wastewater treatments and Cavan County Council works in conjunction with Uisce Éireann, which directly manages water service function nationwide.

The local authority, meanwhile, is responsible for the administration of grants and subsidies for group water and sewerage schemes under the Rural Water Programme in Co Cavan.

Water Services also process grants for the improvement of private water supplies to houses.

The grant provides 85% of approved costs subject to a maximum of €3,000; provision for a new well is 85% of the approved costs subject to a maximum of €5,000; the water quality treatment element qualifies for 100% funding (€1,000); minimum grant threshold is €750 for each grant measure.

There is also a revised Lead Remediation Grant being administered by Cavan County Council on behalf of the Department of Local Government & Heritage that assists households with the costs associated with replacing lead pipes and fittings within the boundaries of the property.

The level of grant available is determined on 100% of the approved cost of the works, subject to a maximum of €5,000.

Elsewhere, Virginia and Ballyjamesduff have seen upgraded wastewater treatment systems under the Capital Upgrade investment while Project Breifne - wastewater treatment plants for Cootehill, Bailieborough and Kingscourt - is currently at design stage.