Cllr Áine Smith (FF).

Call for Croí Cónaithe grant to be extended

Cavan County Council has agreed to write to Housing Minister, Darragh O’Brien, requesting him to alter the terms of the Croí Cónaithe vacant homes grant requiring qualifying work to be complete within 15 to 18 months and not 13 months as currently stipulated.

The move came on foot of a notice of motion by Cllr Áine Smith (FF) who told those gathered at the September monthly meeting that it was an “excellent grant” at a time when housing is in short supply.

“We have seen a great uptake on the grant as it is a wonderful incentive to bring our rural and urban dwellings back to life,” she continued. “It’s a no-brainer to use these dwellings as all the services are readily available around them.

“However, the timeframe is proving difficult for people to fulfill because of the work that is required. Unfortunately, tradesmen and construction workers are hard to get within the timeframe.

“We want to see as many people as possible continue to use this grant for their future homes and I would love to see the timeframe extended to 15-18 months so people have a chance to get all works completed.”

Cllr Stiofán Conaty (FG) said that while the scheme was a welcome development, it was “burdensome” for those involved. “I know from family and friends who have availed of this grant, the difficulties it poses,” he continued.

“It should be paid out in instalments because I don’t know too many young people who have €50,000 lying around the place.”

Meanwhile, Cllr Trevor Smith (FG) added: “This scheme definitely needs to be extended so that people who have a house that needs to be restored can avail of it. It’s open to change and I hope that change will come.”

Cllr John Paul Feeley (FF) then highlighted the “huge uptake” on the Croí Cónaithe grant scheme nationally. “There has been a huge uptake in every county for this and I see a lot of older houses being brought back into use, which is great. I also welcome Cllr Conaty not calling for its abolition, which is the Sinn Féin’s party stance on a national level.”

Cllr Conaty then countered those comments by saying: “Sinn Féin has never once said it wants to abolish this scheme; if anything we want to improve it.”

In conclusion, Cathaoirleach, Cllr T.P. O’Reilly (FG) said the benefits of the scheme for young people could not be overstated. “It’s very beneficial to young people who can do up properties,” he added.