Cllr Siofán Conaty (SF).

Clarity sought on GP service at Ballyhaise Health Centre

Members of Cavan County Council have agreed to write to the HSE seeking clarity on whether a GP service can be facilitated at its health centre in Ballyhaise.

The decision was reached following a discussion on foot of a notice of motion from Stiofán Conaty (SF) who asked that the local authority write to the HSE requesting an answer on the intended use of empty local health centres around the county - most notably Ballyhaise among others - and on the possibility of the resumption of GP services within.

Cllr Clifford Kelly (FF) told the meeting that he was informed last March by the HSE that there hadn’t been a doctor at Ballyhaise Health Centre since 2017. He highlighted how he was also told that the building was at full capacity and “there is no space to facilitate a GP service there”.

Members agreed that a letter to the HSE would clarify matters for everyone.