The farmhouse property in Corrakeeran, guided at €299, 000.

Keenan Auctioneers now managing rental properties

In business since 1902, Keenan Auctioneers has now added managing rental properties to the list of services they provide.

The Anglo-Celt spoke to Office Manager Amanda Coogan, who explained the newest service whereby Agent Donal Keenan will help both landlords and tenants managed their rental property agreement.

Keenan auctioneers advertise a property to find suitable tenants, before liaising with the owner to hand over keys.

“If there was any maintenance or issues during the terms of the agreement it’d be up to us to sort the plumbers, the electricians, we’d be the first port of call rather than going to the landlord.

“We’re taking the hassle out of that for the landlord,” she explained.

“It’s a lot more pressure on us but there’s a team of us rather than one landlord trying to do it all themselves.”

Management of rental properties began at the beginning of July and it's “so far so good.” With one property already on board, Keenan’s expect more come the end of August.

“To get any rentals at the moment, it’s very difficult I think a lot of people are sell sell sell, or are staying where they are.”

“The supply is not there,” said Amanda.

Among other services provided are rentals, property and land sales, valuation services, and market appraisals.

Keenan’s cover towns in both Cavan and Meath.

They have noticed that people are more inclined to buy at the moment because “it’s gotten so hard to get planning permission”.

“Anybody that’s moving doesn’t really have anywhere to go because the supply is not there.”

They have people of all demographics showing interest.

“We’ve had younger families selling houses because they’re looking to upsize and then we’ve had older people looking to downsize because the kids are all grown up now.

“Then you have couples who are just first time buyers.”

Officer manager for over two years, Amanda gave advice to those both buying and selling for the first time.

“Have your ducks in a row,” she said. “Have everything ready to go from the bank and then for your buyers as well have a good solicitor, engage with the solicitor quite often. That goes for the seller as well.

“Most of the falldowns happen in the conveyancing process so that’s after the property goes sale agreed.

“If there’s two good solicitors on each side it makes things a lot easier.”


A new property recently come on the market is a four bed farmhouse on Corrakeeran in County Meath, on circa 1.6 acres.

“It’s suited for all, somebody willing to get their hands involved in something.

“It is a big project, there is quite a bit of work to be done to it but it has new windows and doors to it.

“It’s been started, it just needs a bit of love and attention.”

The property is guided at €299,000.

For more infomration on properties in the area or to avail of Keenan Auctioneer's services, search their website