Funding for facilities at local swimming spots

Initiative developed in line with the Healthy Ireland objective of enabling more people to be more active

Tens of thousands of euros have been awarded for the provision and development of facilities at half a dozen local swimming spots.

A sum of €30,0000 has been awarded to help towards the cost of providing changing and showering facilities, accessibility mats, access hand rails, demarcation buoys at lakesides at Arvagh (south west), Virginia (south), Killashandra (west) and Barnagrow (east).

Gulladoo lake in Carrigallen, Leitrim, will get €28,000 for the installation of storage and changing facilities; with €15,000 for changing facilities at Emy Lough in Monaghan; and €20,000 for changing shelters and facilties at the diving area at Lough Owel in Westmeath.

Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy announces allocation of €500,000 in funding for outdoor swimming projects

The Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy Colm Burke announced the successful applicants for a €500,000 funding scheme for outdoor swimming facilities on Friday.

This initiative, developed in line with the Healthy Ireland objective of enabling more people to be more active, more often, builds on the recent growth in popularity of outdoor swimming by improving the facilities and equipment at designated swimming locations across the country.

Applications for the Healthy Ireland funding were received from Local Sports Partnerships in almost every county. Awards of up to €30,000 have now been granted to 51 projects around the country, including designated swimming spots at beaches, lakes and rivers, as well as outdoor pool facilities.

The funds, which will be administered by Sport Ireland on behalf of the Department of Health, will be used to improve access, enhance changing facilities and to purchase equipment to assist people with disabilities.