Sister Marion Lynch, Nan and her husband Joe Smith among their guests at last year’s vintage tea party.

A vintage tea party for Alzheimer’s

A vintage tea party will take place this Sunday (June 2) to raise money for the Cavan Branch of the Alzheimer Society.

Husband and wife, Joe and Nan Smith, have been organising their Vintage Tea Party for the past 19 years.

The couple have raised over €20,000 for the Alzheimer Society of Ireland and the local branch.

“My mother had Alzheimers and she died 19 years ago,” Nan explained, adding that she wanted to do something to raise money for those in need.

After a masterclass with Darina Allen, Nan got into catering and served as head of the canteen in Virginia College for 12 years. She now feeds her baking passions by serving cakes, coffees and tea to her neighbours in a pop-up shop in her garden every weekend and by hosting her annual vintage garden party to raise money for the Cavan Branch of the Alzheimer Society.

“I love baking, I love entertaining and I love that sort of thing and I’ll make good use of it.”

The event began as a cup of tea and one of Nan’s traybakes, and has now evolved into a vintage garden party.

“It went from strength to strength,” she said of the annual event.

The baking enthusiast explained that guests at the tea party can expect to drink out of her beloved china collection, which she takes out once per year for the occasion.

“It was in boxes everywhere and I thought, this is one day to use it.”

She also adorns her garden in New Inn with tables, chairs and vintage-style tablecloths and music to add to the retro atmosphere.

The day gives those caring for people with Alzhemier's an opportunity to take a break and talk to other carers and family members.

“One person entertains the next,” Nan said.

She recounted an example of how her tea party helps others, telling a story of a man who came as a “total stranger.” His wife had Alzheimer's and passed away two weeks prior.

She said he “just wanted to talk to people who know” what he went through.

“He did meet other people there who were carers,” Nan said, adding that she felt her tea party was doing “some good".

“I just love doing it,” she said, adding that the services the Cavan Branch of the Alzheimer Society provide “are just fantastic.”

“They bring the patients in and it gives the relatives a rest.”

She recalled caring for her own mother, Mary Frances.

“She was ahead of her time and it was so hard to believe that she was reverted back to childhood.

“It’s horrible what it [Alzheimer's] does to the mind.”

“It was around the clock,” she said, explaining the care she and her three siblings provided for their mother.

“You didn’t go to bed, it was like a cat watching a mouse.”

Nan is already pulling tables and chairs into her garden in preparation for next Sunday.

“If it helps even one family to get a little bit of respite now and again, isn’t that fantastic?!”

Nan is currently gathering ingredients for scones, carrot cake, banana bread and “all sorts of traybakes” for the tea party.

Donations on the day are voluntary. Nan encourages people to come along, have a cup of tea and a chat to help raise funds for the Cavan Branch of the Alzheimer Society.

The event will take place at A82YX71 on Sunday, June 2, from 2-10pm.