Local Elections: Ballyjamesduff MD candidate, Kieran Goggins

Mr Goggins is running on behalf of the Irish Freedom Party.

Kieran Goggins has been living in Ballyjamesduff for the last 16 years and is campaigning for a seat in the Ballyjamesduff Municipal District on behalf of the Irish Freedom Party. His mother’s family - the Brady’s - came from the area and he spent time in the locality as a youngster.

What do you do to unwind?

For me unwinding consists of a slow jog around the area. I bring treats for dogs and horses that I meet along the way. I’m passionate about animals and animal welfare.

What should people vote for you?

People should vote for me so that we can change 100 years of inept rule by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. This is the first time that the electorate has been offered a chance to become part of change since the foundation of the State. Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael is a cabal - there is no difference in their politics and we have a situation now in this country where there is only a wafer-thin difference between the main two political parties.

What will you do to address the housing supply?

I intend to initiate a policy of Irish first. I have been all over the world and this country seems to be the only country in the world where you just show up and get a house. Irish homes, Irish people first.

Has Ireland taken in enough refugees?

This country has taken in too many and too fast. Are these people refugees? Are they economic migrants? There’s a disconnect between migrants and economic migrants and we need people to come in here and offer something to this country. Of the top 20 nations here, 18 are not in a state of war; there is no conflict; and they are coming from economically impoverished areas. I know that people want to better themselves but not at the expense of the Irish nation.

What are your main campaigning issues?

The big one is immigration because that impinges on housing and on healthcare. There is also pensions and education to consider. The Irish Freedom Party is not an anti-immigration party, it is an anti-illegal-immigrant party.

Should the biodiversity/climate crises be at the very top of the council's agenda?

It shouldn’t be at the top because rule by Greta Thurnberg would lead to chaos. Biodiversity and climate is important but it doesn’t need the prominence that certain groups give it.

Who has influenced you politically?

I’m interested in foreign politics and leaders. Mahatma Gandhi was an influence on me and so was FD Roosevelt, the American politician.