Cllr Sarah O'Reilly (Aontú).

Councillor apologises for remarks about ‘nitpicking and narrow views’ not getting potholes filled

Criticism of the use of the pothole patcher machine was aired during a recent Bailieborough-Cootehill Municipal District meeting.

Cllr Val Smith (FG) told those gathered that, when days are frosty, that is the right time to use the patcher.

However, he said it had come to his attention that the machine had been “sitting in the yard” on those days because drivers are salting roads and “there was nobody to drive the patcher”.

“Can we not just get the drivers?” he asked.

“The roads are so bad that it is embarrassing at this stage.”

Cllr Sarah O’Reilly (Aontu) then accused Cllr Smith of “nitpicking over very small things”.

“The whole year we have had, maybe 10 days of frost and I think that your point is a little narrow, Val,” she added.

However, Cllr Paddy McDonald rowed in behind Cllr Smith and remarked; “a machine lying idle should not be happening.”

Meanwhile, area engineer Clinton Mulligan pointed to the fact that Cavan County Council employs two permanent drivers for the patcher machine as well as “backup drivers” in situ.

“If one is on shift at night, then there is a backup driver for the patcher; in fact there are two patcher machines for the three districts,” he added.

Cllr McDonald highlighted how the information shared by Mr Mulligan would be “taken on board”.

Cllr O’Reilly then apologised to Cllr Smith for her earlier remarks.