Cavan has ninth highest proportion of refugees

Cavan has rehoused the ninth highest number of Ukrainian refugees and international protection applicants per capita in Ireland.

That's according to latest figures provided by the Minister for Integration, which reveal that the Breffni county currently has 1,224 Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BOTPs), accounting for 1.49% of the current population in the county.

The breakdown was provided per local authority area. Kerry has the highest with 7,228 or 4.6% of the population; followed by Donegal 5,163 (3.09%); Leitrim 1,073 (3.04%); Clare 3,778 (2.95%); Sligo 1,813 (2.58%); Mayo 2,887 (2.10%); Westmeath 1,699 (1.76%); and Offaly 1,409 (1.68%).

Cavan sits just ahead of Galway City Council in tenth, with 1,220 BTOPs living in the municipal area, or 1.46% of the overall population.

In 2022, the Government approved the construction of 700 rapid build homes with the potential to house up to 2,800 individuals in family units.

The modular units were constructed on State owned land, and in Cavan housing has been provided to 28 Ukrainian refugees. The homes have a 60-year lifespan and each unit houses a family of four.

The OPW is continuing to lead the development of this accommodation and, following further engagement and the completion of suitability assessment work, further sites are expected to come on stream in the first half of 2024.

Meanwhile, there are currently 548 Ukrainian guests living in 260 host homes in Cavan. This represents 28% of the total number of Ukrainians who have made the county home since the invasion began almost two years ago.

Nationally, 25% of all arrivals from Ukraine are currently living in host homes or pledged accommodation. This week, a survey showed that 92% of people hosting Ukrainians have had a positive experience and 76% would recommend hosting to someone else. The research was presented by Helping Irish Hosts and the Irish Red Cross to Oireachtas members at a briefing in Leinster House on Wednesday, January 31.