Golfing Star, Leona Maguire travelling in style as the Grand Marshal of the Ballyconnell Parade on Monday afternoon.Picture: Sean McMahon.
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Aaron Armstrong with Nexi and Lauren Farrelly with her dog called Fiadh enjoying the atmosphere at the Ballyconnell Parade.Pictures: Sean McMahon.
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Award winning float - Everyone is talking about the skinny jab.Pictures: Sean McMahon.
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Providing lively music and colour for the crowd at the Ballyconnell Parade.Pictures: Sean McMahon.
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The sparky's brought back the power after the storm.
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Showcasing the goodness behind Mary's Meals in the Ballyconnell Parade on Sunday afternoon.Pictures: Sean McMAHON.
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Dermot and Charlotte Ryan with Robyn.Picture: Sean McMahon.
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Ciara O’Brien, Holly Gough, Annarose Baxter, Liam Baxter, Tom O’Brien, Natalie Gough and Olivia Gough.Picture: Sean McMahon.
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A big wave from Ballyconnell.
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Happy smiles at the Ballyconnell Parade.Pictures: Sean McMahon.
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Enjoying the parade in Ballyconnell and a wave for the camera.Pictures: Sean McMahon.
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Desmond Gough on the left from Jampa Ling with folks from various European European countries, including Olli from Munich, Nele from Germany, Gloria from Barcelona, Sophie from Germany, Jose from Spain, Erika from Milan.Picture: Sean McMahon.
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A larger than life appearance in the Ballyconnell Parade.Pictures: Sean McMahon.
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St Mary's Mountain Road Pipe Band from Fermanagh playing their vibrant music at the Ballyconnell Parade.Pictures: Sean McMahon.