Showcasing the superb new energy saving induction hob in the Oak Room were (from left): Dermot Gallagher, Food Co-ordinator with Cavan County Council; Conor Craven, Head of Enterprise with Cavan LEO and Norbert Neylon, Proprietor/Head Chef at the Oak Room Restaurant. PHOTO: Sean McMahon

A little less heat in Norbert’s Oak Room kitchen

Chef Norbert Neylon is still fully weighing up the wealth of benefits for his restaurant business that have come with obtaining an Energy Efficiency Grant through Cavan LEO.

For Norbert, who owns Cavan's Oak Room, he used the support to purchased an induction hob, meaning that, for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century in business, he is no longer cooking with gas.

“Originally I spoke with Karl [Kelly] regarding the Energy Efficiency Grant, something I was really interested in. I told him we have gas in the kitchen and that was no longer energy efficient, so we changed out for an induction hob.”

Already Norbert is seeing the benefits. Along with being least 40 per cent more economical than gas, the switchover has also lowered the temperature in the kitchen- literally.

“The kitchen isn't as hot as it would've been with no gas. And it's not as dirty. It was brilliant to get the grant. It has really helped us.

Induction is new in the market at the moment, commercially at least, and it's quite expensive. It has been a big change.”

* To read about Local Enterprise Week's programme of events and how Cavan LEO can help your business, click here.