Kilnaleck Station opening hours published after U-turn

Superintendent for Cavan John Callanan and the Kilnaleck Development Association met to discuss matter.

A decision has been made to continue to retain services at Kilnaleck Garda Station.

It follows a meeting on the status of the local station which took place on before Christmas (December 20) with a goal of getting uniformed gardaí assigned to the station for set public hours.

The meeting between Superintendent for Cavan John Callanan and the Kilnaleck Development Association heard that two specialist units are now currently stationed at the premises.

As a result the station was not open to the public for general enquiries, however the senior officer emphasised there is still 24/7 policing cover for the area.

A proposal, which arose on the night, was getting “regular weekly opening hours” where members of the public can come for any “general routine enquiries at a Garda station”.

An Garda Siochana have now published on social media opening hours for the next fortnight.

The public office opening hours of Kilnaleck Garda Station for the coming fortnight are as follows:

12th January – 11am-2pm

14th January – 6pm - 9pm

21st January – 6pm - 9pm

22nd January – 6pm - 9pm

There will be a member of An Garda Siochana present at these times should members of the public wish to have forms completed, have any queries or wish to make a report.

The public may also contact An Garda Síochána at any time by phoning 999 or 112 (in emergency situations), or phoning Cavan Garda Station on 049-4368800 (for all other issues/queries