Demand for more support for carers - Cllr Connell
There was unanimous support for a motion raised at a recent sitting of Cavan County Council to provide more support to carers.
The motion was raised by Sinn Féin’s Noel Connell who said carers go "above and beyond" for their patients, however he said families are required to carry out such care on a "regular basis" with no care staff to do the hours.
In cases where the carer is sick, the Sinn Féin man said that leaves the family "stranded".
His party colleague, Damien Brady, added to the debate detailing how families are being left "in limbo" when the carer is unable to come. He mentioned cases of "toing and froing" between the HSE and the care contractor, with neither providing clarity on who is responsible to provide cover.
Brendan Fay (Ind) added that families are being left "high and dry"; meanwhile Cllr Feeley outlined how people have "no problem" getting care hours, however difficulty arises with getting carers to fill these hours. He said carers are "working so much" and are "not wanting to see their patients stuck" at the expense of their own holiday.
"I'm not sure it's even a money issue," he said, adding that it's the "nature of the work".
Patricia Walsh (FF) detailed how carers "go beyond the call of their duties".
Cathaoirleach T.P. O'Reilly concluded that "carers need to be remunerated for the work that they do".