Mark, Mary and Rose from The Lucky Horse Shoe!

EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMER SERVICE: A lucky move to the park

The Lucky Horseshoe, a much-loved coffee dock, was established by Mary Keogh in 2023.

The trailer, which is largely based at Con Smith Park, is part of the community in that area. Mary saw the need for such a service and the potential while regularly walking ‘the triangle’ and the local park. “I always thought what a beautiful place it was to walk in; to sit down and have a sandwich; and then I realised how great it would be to have a coffee dock there,” said Mary, before making a promise to herself that, if nobody came up with the idea by the time she retired, “I would take it on”.

Mary retired and no coffee trailer had arrived so she put her business hat on and began her research. She participated in a two-week barista course in conjunction with CMETB. “After that, I sourced a trailer, got it refurbished and then I got a van to pull it,” she smiled. “And, on May 15, 2023, the Lucky Horseshoe opened for business in Con Smith Park. People thought it was a great idea and many asked me why nobody had thought to do it before I opened for business.”

Mary says she finds the location in which she works inspiring. “So many people walk in Con Smith Park; parents come to the playground with their children and others have their lunch there,” she added.

“So, having the coffee dock there means people can get their coffee close by. The craic and the banter is good and we have great fun with everybody we meet. We know all our customers by name at this stage; we also know exactly what they want; and sometimes people drop by and they don’t want tea or a coffee, they just want to chat. For some older people, I might be the only person they meet that day so I just have great fun with them.”

Mary and her team have worked at weddings, Tidy Towns events, customer and staff appreciation evenings, a coffee morning for IMNDA and they even opened a football pitch.

“My business has filled a niche in the market that was needed. I am delighted we have been nominated for an award; it’s wonderful recognition for all the hard work that has gone into this venture,” she concluded.


Mary Keogh

