Day units needs independent valuation

The delivery of a new day services premises for young people and adults with disabilities, to replace the existing facility at Rathcorrick near Cavan Town, is being held up by the need to have the project “independently valued”.

The day activation unit will replace the existing Clogher House at Rathcorrick, which was scheduled for decommissioning as far back as 2018.

An agreement had been reached with two local developers to provide the new disability unit on an extended lease basis.

However, the proposed development has had to go back a step to be “independently valued” by the HSE North East Estates department.

“This is required to support the application, since lodged, with the National HSE Property Review Group (PRG),” a spokesperson for the HSE informed The Anglo-Celt.

The decision to provide a new Day Activation Unit to replace Clogher House was first approved back in February of this year at a meeting of the National HSE Capital and Property Steering Group Committee.

“The HSE North East Estates department, in consultation with Cavan Monaghan Disability Services, has identified a site in Cavan Town that has been deemed a suitable location, in line with national HSE criteria, for providing services for a New Day Activation Unit.

“Following direction received from the National HSE Disability Services Operations Lead to explore the lease option at the green field site on the 6th May, HSE North East Estates department has been engaged with the landowners and their professional team in agreeing Heads of Terms,” the spokesperson confirmed.

They added that, in line with National HSE Property protocols, the HSE will now be advancing this proposal to the next stage for approval.

Meanwhile, plans for Monaghan Day Activation Unit are progressing.

Cavan Monaghan Disability Services team, supported by the HSE North East Estates department, has now completed a “comprehensive submission” for capital funding for a new premises to replace the existing one on the St Davnet’s campus in Monaghan Town. In line with the national HSE policy of New Directions, this development was also approved at the February 2023 meeting of the National HSE Capital and Property Steering Group.

“The Cavan Monaghan Disability Services management team, in conjunction with HSE Estates North East colleagues, are currently in discussions with the local authority to identify suitable premises for the Day Activation Unit,” said a HSE spokesperson.