Pictured at the launch of the Cavan PEACEPLUS Action Plan on Friday, September 20, were: Back (from left): Brendan Jennings, Director of Service; Cllr Val Smith; Cllr Niall Smith; Cllr Carmel Brady; Cllr Damien Brady; Cllr Trevor Smith; Senator Diarmuid Wilson; Deputy Brendan Smith; John Donohoe, Chief Officer, Cavan County Council; Cllr Clifford Kelly; Cllr Niamh Brady; Cllr Winston Bennett and Noreen Sudbury, Cavan County Council PEACEPLUS team; front, Jane Crudden, PEACEPLUS Manager Cavan County Council; Paul Beattie, Managing Authority Director, SEUPB; Linda Sheridan, Assistant Principal, Department of Rural and Community Development; Cllr T.P. O’Reilly, Cathaoirleach; Eoin Doyle, Chief Executive, Cavan County Council; Rosie Smith, Department of Rural and Community Development and Cllr Patricia Walsh.PHOTO: Adrian Donohoe

Over €4M secured in PeacePlus funding for Cavan

A number of projects across the county will commence shortly.

Over €4.3M has been secured to deliver 28 peacebuilding projects across County Cavan.

Among them, a multipurpose community hub is set to be developed in Virginia and a youth café established in Ballyconnell Community Centre. Other successful projects include an active citizens youth project, a ‘Border Biennale’ art workshop and exhibition, an initiative to bridge the gap in education inequality experienced by Traveller children, and a project to remember the victims of the tragic 1943 Cavan orphanage fire.

Cavan County Council and the Cavan PEACEPLUS Partnership Board launched the county’s Co-designed Local Community PEACE Action Plan last Friday, September 20. The action plan is the culmination of an extensive ‘co-design’ process, which saw council officials and elected members listening to and empowering local communities.

The successful projects to be delivered across Cavan meet the PEACEPLUS themes of Community Regeneration and Transformation, Thriving and Peaceful Communities, and Celebrating Cultural Diversity.

The Cavan Local Community Action Plan is a project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). In all 17 action plans have been developed nationwide. PEACEPLUS represents a funding partnership between the European Union, the Governments in Ireland and the UK, and the Northern Ireland Executive. The total value of PEACEPLUS funding to date is €1.14 billion.

Launching the plan, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys, congratulated everyone who contributed to its development. “I have no doubt that the 28 regional community relations initiatives that this plan supports will lead to intentional, meaningful, and ongoing interactions with people of all ages and from various social, cultural, and political backgrounds,” she said.

Northern Ireland First Minister Michelle O’Neill was equally delighted. “Over 9,000 people will participate in these projects, allowing people of the area to come together to build a brighter future for all. Investing in these innovative programmes will not only enhance cross-community and cross-border cooperation, but also promote lasting peace and prosperity in our communities.”

Chief Executive of SEUPB Gina McIntyre said: “These diverse programmes of work are truly representative of our new approach which ensures that the projects supported through councils are responsive to local needs and challenges. These projects have been co-designed with residents and groups, with the focus on building peace and prosperity at a grassroots level. We know what an impact this direct local engagement can have l.”

All local authorities within Northern Ireland and the border counties will receive PEACEPLUS funding, with each council being challenged to design a programme of local investment, aimed at addressing specific local challenges, in collaboration with residents and organisations within their area. Speaking at the launch, Cathaoirleach of Cavan County Council, Cllr T.P. O’Reilly described it as a “detailed action plan”, which provides “vital investment” in the social, economic and environmental development of County Cavan.

“This plan is the result of an extensive co-design process, a unique approach whereby all parties to the design process are treated as equal collaborators, and the fruits of this inclusive and participatory process are clear to see in this extremely well-thought-out plan.”

Chief Executive of Cavan County Council, Eoin Doyle said: “Communities in County Cavan and across the border region and Northern Ireland have accrued significant benefits from both the PEACE and INTERREG programmes down through the years, and the new PEACEPLUS Programme will continue the important work of promoting social inclusion, tackling conflict-based inequality, and encouraging peacebuilding in the region.”

Mr Doyle also paid tribute to the “extraordinary work” undertaken by all in the PEACEPLUS Partnership, particularly Chair Brendan Jennings and PEACEPLUS Programme manager Jane Crudden, along with elected members, statutory organisations and community and voluntary organisations “whose commitment to strengthening the ties that bind us is second to none”.

PEACEPLUS Partnership Chair and Director of Service with Cavan County Council, Brendan Jennings said: “Local community groups will now have opportunities to tender for contracts to deliver on these actions.”

Further investment

“It is important to note, however, that there are a further 21 investment areas under the PEACEPLUS programme, including small grants opportunities up to €100,000, details of which will be made available by SEUPB in the coming months.”

The plan and details of how to submit tenders for contracts to deliver on the actions therein, is available to view at www.cavancoco.ie/peaceplus