Additional accommodation for Cavan Institute being progressed

The proposed major building project at Cavan Institute is being progressed under the Further Education Training College of the Future Major Projects fund.

Cavan/Monaghan Fianna Fáil TD Brendan Smith has received confirmation on the project from the Minister for Further Education.

The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Patrick O’Donovan TD told Deputy Brendan Smith in reply to his Parliamentary Question in Dáil Éireann that on the 2nd September that a number of ETBs including Cavan Monaghan Education Training Board submitted their updated business cases for evaluation. These business cases are currently being evaluated and this process is expected to conclude in the coming weeks.

“I have consistently outlined my strong support for the ETB proposal to provide this much needed additional permanent accommodation at the existing campus at Cathedral Road Cavan," stated Brendan Smith TD.

"Colleges of Further Education will continue to expand their range of courses and Cavan Institute is a key education provider in this region.”

Minister O’Donovan said: “Following shortly after the evaluation process, proposals that meet the evaluation criteria will be announced to advance to the next stage of development, which is the pre-tender, project design, planning and procurement strategy stage.”