Jitterbug Jackson is set to bring an element of danger to proceedings.

CULTURE NIGHT: On the Streets

Street entertainment highlights

Street Life has become a mainstay in Cavan's Culture Night offering and for many people - especially families - is always a must-see highlight.

We're spoiled by the consistent performances of mind-blowing displays of strength, balance and grace wrapped up in hilarity and this year promises more of the same. Jitterbug Jackson, Missi Impossible & Walk The Plank by Cikada Circus have all been confirmed for this Cavan Culture Night.

Billed as beds of nails, fire, flips and ingenious creations of street theatre to make children gasp and adults weep (with laughter).

Cavan Number 1 School (opposite the bus station) from 5–8pm. Booking is not required and it's suitable for all ages.

Audiovisual installation

WHERE: Palyanytsya building, 33 Bridge Street

WHEN: 9pm-1am

WHAT: Round your Culture Night off by checking out Serhii Khadzhava's audiovisual art installation as the Palyanytsya building’s facade is transformed into a canvas, brought to life by a stunning symphony of light and visuals with Ukrainian culture at its centre.