Gardaí warn of rise in bogus phone calls

Fraudulent calls involve criminals impersonating legitimate organisations

Gardaí are warning the public of an increase over recent days again of bogus phone calls.

As a result officers are urging people to remain vigilant and protect themselves from scammers. The fraudulent calls involve criminals impersonating legitimate organisations, such as banks, government agencies, or even law enforcement, to trick individuals into sharing personal information or making payments.

“We ask that you do not engage with caller's 'verifying' personal details or any banking information for 'overdue payments',” say gardaí who are recommending that individuals hang up immediately if they suspect a scam and avoid providing any personal details.

Authorities advise that legitimate organisations will never request sensitive information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card details, over the phone.

“Also remember if a 'deal' is too good to be true, it's too good to be true! If in doubt about the authenticity of a caller, hang up and phone the company directly,” say gardaí.