Weapons haul and coke found in weekend garda stop

Male driver and vehicle detained for a Section 23 Misuse of Drugs search.

Local gardaí seized a knuckle duster, a hammer, a hunting knife, a burner phone, deal bags, and a quantity of drugs following a traffic stop last Saturday night.

The car was pulled over at Church Square, Monaghan Town by members attached to the Divisional Drug Unit, where the male driver and vehicle were detained for a Section 23 Misuse of Drugs search.

The knuckle duster, a hammer, hunting knife, burner phone, deal bags, and small quantities of both cannabis herb and cocaine were located inside the vehicle.

During the search of the male meanwhile a further nine deals of suspected cocaine were located in his underwear, and he was arrested for Sale and Supply of controlled drugs.

The total estimated street value of the cocaine recovered is €770.

Mobile phones have been seized pending analysis.

After his arrest the male was interviewed in relation to the discovery of the drugs and weapons.

He was subsequently charged before Monaghan District Court and a file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecution on the matter.