Shercock mobile mast appealed

A council decision to refuse planning for a 24-metre high mobile mast in the Shercock area has been appealed.

It's not the first time plans for a telecommunications support structure at the site have gone before An Bord Pleanála.

Previously, the board refused permission for a similar development proposal, which was revised to a monopole design at further information stage. In that case, An Bord Pleanála overturned a decision by Cavan County Council to refuse permission on grounds of the potential visual effect of the mast on the surrounding area.

On Tower Ireland Limited is again looking to the national planning authority. This time, the company is asking the board to overturn a decision by local authority planners. The council refused permission on this occasion citing technical justification and in the interest of proper planning and sustainable development.

The proposal is for the installation of a multi-user monopole with head frame, carrying antenna and dishes enclosed within a 2.4 metre high palisade fenced, at Lecks, approximately 1.5km south of Shercock.

It also provides for associated ground equipment cabinets, site works, and a new access track via wayleave through a farmyard within the same landholding.

Further information in respect of the development was sought by the council in May, and provided by On Tower in February, following which local authority planners gave their determination.

The planner's report in respect of the application noted that any visual impact caused by the erection of a mast is 'among the more important considerations' to be taken into account.

'Some masts will remain quite noticeable in spite of the best precautions.'

Neighbours to the site made a submission to Cavan County Council in which they voiced concern over the number of masts already in the area, health concerns over 5G technology, the cumulative visual impact caused by a windfarm development 3.3 kms south, as well as its proximity to other dwellings and schools.

An accompanying report by Indigo, a company that partners with telecommunication companies to deliver digital technology, stated that the applicant, in partnership with the Three Ireland, has identified the site as ideal in terms of improving existing and future wireless communications services for Three. The proposed development has capacity for four operators.

An adjacent permission, granted in 2017 to Three Ireland (Hutchison) Ltd, for a 21 metre high monopole has now lapsed.

The same Technical Justification Report document dated 01/09/2021 was re-submitted verbatim in the current application, without any additional detail, which Cavan planners felt 'falls short' of fully taking the previous board inspector’s report into consideration.

A appeal decision is due in mid December.