Over €35K for CAPS down through the years

The 12th annual CAPS 80km, 45km and 15km 3 Province Cycle has raised nearly €4,000 so far.

The fundraising cycle, which extended to a run also this year, saw around 150 participants over the weekend, with donations from locals to complete strangers. Over the 12 years, the event has raised over €35,000.

The organisers are Vincent and Martina Dolan from Mullahoran.

Vincent outlines how his family first started the fundraiser to give back to Cavan Autism Parents Support (CAPS) who have supported the family with their four children Shannon (28), Matthew (21), Erin (17) and Fionnán (15) who all have autism.

“We do it in aid of CAPS,” Vincent told The Anglo-Celt.

“We have four kids with autism who have gone through the system with CAPS over the years and we always found that they were very supportive of us and took pressure off us at vital times.

“We just felt it was our opportunity to do something, to give something back to CAPS.”

Around 100 cyclists took off on three routes - 80km, 45km and 15km - on Sunday morning. On Saturday evening, 50 runners took on a 5km run for the charity.

“This is the first year for a 5km as well, we’ve only ever gone with the cycle routes before this.”

Involved in local running and fitness clubs, he wanted to include more people.

“Only a small percentage of people actually cycle.

“Cycling is very much a niche sport,” he explained.

“The main thing is everyone came home safe, that’s always a worry,” said Vincent, who is a relieved and “shattered” after the weekend.

“A deep breath is taken when the last person comes in the gate,” he shared.

Donations are still forthcoming, to the Dolan family’s delight, especially from local people who are “very good” and would meet Vincent at a football match or in the shop and would give money “into the pot”.

“I’d like to thank everyone who attended in this year or in any of the previous years,” he said.

“The way we do it, it’s registration on the morning so we don’t know how many are coming, who’s coming, we have no clue until the people start coming,” he said, adding that he was very happy with this year’s turnout.

“They come from everywhere,” he added.

Vincent thanked everyone who supported the runs.