Oliver and Jason Stanley from Carnaross with Checko

Check out Checko

A Carnaross farmer was celebrating in Virginia as his Belgian Blue cross continued its fine Show form.

“I bought him in Bantry last year as a calf and he's never looked bac - he's going very well,” says Oliver Stanley of 18 month old bullock ‘Checko’.

Asked what sets him apart, the Rahard man doesn't hesitate: “He has four strong legs, which is very important, you want one in every corner, and you can build around it. He has good strong bones, a lovely back end, lovely head and you need a good pair of ears as well and a lovely topline.

“We're after doing 13 shows and he's been first in 10 or 12 of them,” said Oliver, and he had another four to go before wrapping up his 2024 season.

Oliver regards both the Virginia and Oldcstle Show as his home events, so picking up rosettes here is extra special.

Oliver is a show diehard.

“I have about 700 Shows done this year - I'm 35 years at it, so it's in the blood.”

Crossed with a Limousin has resulted in Checko's distinctive blue and white colouring, which Oliver admits caught his eye. Despite his youth Checko is already muscular.

“That's top of the class beef - he would be E grade when he goes to the factory.”

By the time you read this the All Ireland in Kilkenny will have ended, and Oliver was predicting Checko would be “there or there about” in the crossbreed category.

Where does Oliver rate Checko amongst his best over the the years.

“He'd probably be up there. I've had four or five super bullocks that won an awful lot but he'd be there or there about.”