Top marks for Belturbet student after securing maximum points in Leaving Cert '24

There's a huge sense of happiness around the St Bricin's campus today.

A Leaving Cert student at St Bricin’s College in Belturbet has secured the maximum 625 points after receiving his results earlier today. Ryan Cherry not only hit the mark on points, the 18-year-old also secured seven H1s giving him a place among the top 100 Leaving Cert students in the country in 2024.

Ryan told the Anglo Celt amid celebrations at the College earlier that he was absolutely delighted with the results. He plans now to study Engineering at the Technical University of Dublin (TUD).

“I’m very happy; I was hoping I would do very well but I am blown away by the results,” he continued before adding that he was very grateful to the teachers at St Bricin’s for “all the help that they have given me over the last few years”. “Anyone can achieve what they want when they put their mind to it and try.”

Meanwhile, principal Jodie O’Gallachóir highlighted the “sense” of happiness that was evident around the St Bricin’s campus as students gathered together to enjoy their success.

“It’s fantastic; there’s a huge sense of happiness around the campus today. It’s such an achievement by Ryan to get seven H1s in the Leaving Cert - the maximum points. This shows what can be achieved by students who are willing to put in a little bit of an effort.”

Mr O'Gallachóir went on to say that staff in St Bricin’s College were there to help every student, which he added, “provides them with every opportunity in the world”.

“We are delighted for Ryan; we are delighted for all the students. They have performed really well again this year and now they continue on their journey. This is the end now of their secondary schooling and the beginning of their college journey and I wish them all the very best. I hope that they will inspire the next generation of students coming through our school.”