Sadie-Mae holding her letter from David Attenborough.

Sadie’s a natural!

Cavan girl’s letter from David

A six-and-a-half year old Cavan girl and nature lover has attracted the attention of the great British broadcaster, biologist, natural historian, and writer, David Attenborough.

Sadie-Mae O’Neill, the daughter of Jonty and Eimear, wrote to the celebrated naturalist earlier in the summer to tell him about her love for dinosaurs and to invite him to one of her favourite places - Erica’s Fairy Forest in Cootehill.

Young Sadie-Mae, who’s going into first class in Gaelscoil Bhréifne, and her family were astonished when the legendary Attenborough took the time to write back with a personal handwritten note.

Sadie-Mae loves watching his nature documentaries on television; has a dog called Biscuits, and takes care of a stray cat called Diggy. It was her fascination with dinosaurs that inspired her to first write to Attenborough.

Chatting to The Anglo-Celt on Monday, Sadie-Mae, who also sang with her aunt, Lisa O’Neill, on a recent album, highlighted her love for animals particularly Biscuits and Diggy and dinosaurs.

“I have a teddy cat that reminds me of Diggy,” she said before adding that what appeals to her most when she watches David Attenborough’s documentaries is “the way the films look so real”.

“Dinosaurs are not around any more; they are very old animals. I wrote to David Attenborough to tell him that I really like his programmes. I also have his book and I love the pictures and I love the bit where the animals are on the ground and David Attenborough is up a tree with binoculars looking at them… and he doesn’t kill them!” gushed Sadie-Mae.

She went on to tell the Celt about her other passion - Erica’s Fairy Forest - and that she invited Attenborugh to visit the popular local attraction- which lies close to her nana and gaga’s house in Cootehill.

In his reply, the biologist and historian told the little Cavan girl that while he very much appreciated her invitation to visit the forest, he would “not be able to do so”.

He also described his delight at Sadie-Mae’s interest in his documentaries.

Her father, Jonty told the Celt that the whole family feels really touched by the fact 98-year old Attenborough took the time and thought to reply to his daughter.

“Sometimes,” concluded Sadie-Mae, “I think the animals understand us and know what we think. I love my dog Biscuits.”