Council advertises plans for former Belturbet pub

Cavan County Council has outlined its plans to transform a former Belturbet pub and an adjoining residential house into four residential units.

The detail has been published as part of a part 8 planning application, the method a local authority uses to process planning for certain developments it proposes to undertake over the cost of €126,000.

The council intends to retain the existing front façade to Flynn’s at Lower Kilconny and demolish a structure to the rear, as well as carry out alterations.

An Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Report have been completed in respect of the proposed development and are available for inspection.

Details of the proposed development are also available for inspection on Cavan County Council’s consultation platform in the ‘Materials’ section.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection or purchase for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the Customer Service Desk, Johnston Library, Farnham Street, Cavan and Municipal District Office, Ballyconnell, during normal working hours up until September 12.

Submissions or observations must be made in writing and must reach the Housing Construction Section, Courthouse, Cavan, before 4pm on Thursday, September 26.

Flynn’s Bar was run, up until its closure during Covid, by local businessman John Gerard who took over from his late parents John and Nola. They set up there in 1967, but the property had served the community as bar and grocery going back to the 1900s.

It is the second former public house in the town purchased by the council to change into a two-storey duplex accommodation.

In 2022 the local authority completed a deal to buy The ‘Duckin’ Stool’ on Main Street. Two housing units - one at ground floor level and one at first floor level - are nearing completion there.

Councillors in the Cavan-Belturbet Municipal District area previously granted Part 8 planning in respect of plans to demolish six existing single storey dwellings and develop residential scheme comprising of nine fully serviced dwelling units, together with parking, at nearby Widow’s Row.