Work progresses at Assan Bridge near Ballyjamesduff

Work to widen the road at Assan Bridge outside Ballyjamesduff is expected to be complete by October.

A spokesperson for Cavan County Council issued the progress report this week.

Malachy Walsh and Partners was appointed as specialist bridge consultant for the L3028 Assan Bridge; while the local authority appointed Donnelly Civil Engineering to complete these works, which began last May.

Assan Bridge is located 6km north east of Ballyjamesduff on the L3028 at the crossroads with the L3005 (going south) and the L3545 (going north).

The spokesperson explained: "The current road layout over the bridge makes it difficult of HGV traffic to negotiate the junction and road widths are not up to standard for two-way traffic. Flooding has also been an issue at this location, which will be addressed as part of the scheme."

It's understood that a number of options were considered by the consultant, with the preferred option being the construction of a new two-way bridge and the realignment of the existing road and junctions.

"The provision of the two-way bridge will greatly enhance road safety at this existing pinch point where there have been multiple single-vehicle collisions with the parapet walls on both sides of the existing bridge," said the spokesperson.

Concerns over the bridge, approximately 200 years old, were first raised back in 2021. Back then the much-needed renovation was delayed, in part, due to concern for the river’s wildlife.

The quality of the river and surrounding vegetation’s suitability as a habitat for Atlantic salmon and brown trout were among the reasons given.